Sunday, May 12, 2013

Mother's Day

The Recipe
NeetNeet and Brooke 1983
The back of this photo read, "Before the surprise rug" ?
NeetNeet, Brooke and Darrick
Beth, NeetNeet and Charlotte 1990ish
Family Gathering at Jim Boyette's
Cindy, Brooke, Darrick and Dustin
Look at all those babies!
Today has been a beautiful day! I am so grateful to be in a family full of great mothers, aunts and cousins. So, lets see what the photo boxes can bring to us on this wonderful day...Now remember, these are the pictures we had around our homes so they feature lots of Terry and Cindy family. If anyone would like to add to just let me know.
Happy Mothers Day: Mom, Aunt Vickie, Aunt Susan, Cousin Suzy, Beth, Jennifer, Dawn and Melissa!

Monday, May 6, 2013

The Hill and Cousins

I believe these photos to be circa 1998. On the "hill" are Darrick and Dustin and some impromptu/make shift sledding. Then the gummy tradition featuring octopus gummies because they were out of worms. 

Friday, May 3, 2013

Here we go!

I've talked about starting a blog for our family. Mostly so we can share pictures. If you would like to be a contributor let me know, and I'll add you to the account and you can post photos you may have in your home.

I've been scanning A LOT! Post may seem a little random, but they will be tagged with names so we can search photos through tags as well as post. Please leave comments if you know the history/year/story behind any post.
